Arrowhead Stoneware Tall Mug

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Whether you've done your part as a volunteer or worked as a park ranger, this stoneware mug has the character suited for your contributions to America's national parks. Handcrafted in the USA with the distinguished Arrowhead logo, it's a unique identifier of you and your important service for what has been called America's ''best idea.''

Safe for food and for use in ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers, this stoneware is 100 percent lead-free and non-toxic. Its 16-ounce capacity holds a generous amount of your favorite beverage. Since these mugs are hand-thrown on a potter's wheel, no two are identical and slight variations in color and size may occur.

Product Details

  • Capacity: 16 ounces
  • 100% lead-free and non-toxic
  • Safe for food and for use in ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers
  • Made in the USA
$ 19.95

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