Arrowhead Puffy Vest

7 in stock


Every national park ranger comes to work with a unique combination of talent and expertise. There is one skill that is universal to all rangers...pointing at things! Whether you're naming the peaks of a distant mountain range or emphasizing a poignant detail on a historic artifact, this authoritative gesture is an important part of every ranger's repertoire.

Point your way through any weather with this NPS Arrowhead vest! This puffy zip-up outerwear will help you keep a warm core and maximize mobility as you explore the parks. Five pockets allow you to keep your gear handy and your hands free. It's perfect for a night hike under the stars or a crisp morning stroll.


Product Details

  • 100% Polyester
  • Bright Orange Lining
  • Turtleneck for added warmth
  • 3 exterior zip pockets, 1 interior zip pocket
  • 1 interior elastic cinch pocket
  • Adjustable elastic waistline 
  • Available in sizes XS - 3X
$ 62.95
$ 62.95

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You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. No authorization from customer service is required when making a return or exchange, and we will not charge additional shipping to send an exchange.


Items are typically shipped the day after you place your order. We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Shipping rates are calculated based on total price of your order.

Please see our FAQ page for a breakdown of shipping costs. If you have special shipping requirements, please call 877 NAT-PARK or email customer service

Puffy Vest

How to measure: With arms down at sides, measure around the upper body, under arms and over the fullest part of the chest.

XS Small Medium Large XL  2XL 3XL
Chest 32-34 35-37 38-40 41-43 44-46 47-49 50-53

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