Arrowhead VIP Men's Polo

1 in stock


Who says you have to set aside your volunteer status when you're not contributing your time and talents at the national parks? With this polo shirt, you can go casual without giving up your special VIP identity.

The full-color VIP Arrowhead logo custom-embroidered on the left chest along with the 100 percent cotton see to that. Get VIP comfortable, and go VIP casual!

Product Details

  • 60/40 cotton/poly blend
  • Colors: navy & hunter
  • Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X
$ 42.95
$ 42.95

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Men's Polo Shirt

How to measure: With arms down at sides, measure around the upper body, under arms and over the fullest part of the chest.

Small Medium Large XL  2XL
Chest 35-37 38-40 41-43 44-46 47-49

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