Arrowhead Men's Bike Jersey

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When it comes to national park roads, going by bicycle makes for an unforgettable experience. From the Going-To-The-Sun Road to the Blue Ridge Parkway, national park cyclists are immersed in the park environment and feel every twist, turn, and gain in the terrain.

Go single-file Arrowhead style with this NPS bike jersey. The lightweight, double-knit, moisture wicking fabric will keep you dry in any season. Includes three rear cargo pockets for essentials. Wear it on your next park climb!

Product Details

  • 100% Polyester
  • 180 gsm, SPF 35
  • Tagless
  • Reflective accents
  • Speedpro technical fabric
  • Available in sizes small - 3x
$ 69.95

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Men's Bike Jersey

Waist Chest Weight Height
Small 29" 36-38" 120-145 64-68"
Medium 32" 39-41" 145-165 66-70"
Large 35" 42-43" 165-180 68-72"
XL 38" 44-46" 180-210 70-76"
2x 42" 47-49" 210-240 74"+
3x 46" 50-52" 240+ 74" +

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