Arrowhead VIP Umbrella

2 in stock


Through sun, rain, wind, and snow, if the park is open the VIP’s are ready for action! From trail maintenance to staffing visitor centers to assisting with interpretive programs and more, Volunteers-In-Parks are an essential part the National Park Service's efforts to protect preserve America's national parks. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers donate their time to every year to help make “America's best idea” a reality!

Stay dry or keep cool with this National Park Service Volunteer umbrella. It's easy to operate with an automatic push-button opening. The vented design helps keep it from inverting in a sudden gust. Keep it on stand-by in your car or office--you never know when it will come in handy!

Product Details
  • Expansive 62'' coverage
  • Vented panels
  • Soft rubberized grip
  • Auto-open
  • Spring locked in open position
  • Comes with vinyl and plastic covering
$ 42.95
$ 42.95

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