This backpack has it all! If you're going hiking, camping, or spending an extended period of time adventuring outdoors. Featuring the NPS Arrowhead logo, it is a durable, high-quality, multi-use backpack for the outdoor-enthusiast.
The main compartment is expandable from 5" to 10", so you can fit just about any of your essentials, and its MOLLE compatible, so you can customize it to your exact preference. There's even a hydration compartment to fit up to a 3 liter water bladder, so no matter how hard you go, you'll be protected from the dangers of dehydration.
The secondary compartments offer space for additional supplies or gear you need on your adventure. There's even a mesh section within the middle compartment for holding your laptop or tablet.
The outside of the Arrowhead Expandable Tactical Backpack is equipped with a detachable waist strap to ease stress on your back and a water bottle pouch on the right side of the backpack.
Product Details
- Dimensions: 14.5'' x 21'' x 8''
- MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) compatible main compartment
- Hydration compartment holds up to a 3 liter hydration bladder
- 600 denier polyester material
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