Arrowhead Wide Mouth Mug

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Quality. Durability. Distinction. These are just a few words to describe this stoneware mug. Each one is individually handcrafted on a potter's wheel for quality—this is no factory-made item—and fired to more than 2,000°F for durability. The custom crafting goes beyond the potter's wheel, though: Each mug bears the distinctive Arrowhead logo of the National Park System, displaying the symbol that not just anyone can bear, the symbol that uniquely connects you with your park service.

Handmade means unique, so no two of these mugs will be identical, but they're all made in the USA and 100 percent lead-free and non-toxic, making them safe for food, ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers. With a 16-ounce capacity, this mug can hold plenty of your favorite beverage.

Product Details

  • Capacity: 16 ounces
  • 100% lead-free and non-toxic
  • Safe for food, ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers
  • Made in the USA
$ 19.95

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