Arrowhead Ladies Moisture Resistant Polo

12 in stock


Put your NPS pride on display with this classic, fitted-cut Arrowhead polo. This stylish shirt's moisture-wicking and stain resistant properties will keep you in comfort in any situation. Look professional and feel casual on park visits and in meetings with colleagues.

Product Details

  • Fitted cut
  • 60/40 poly-cotton blend
  • Double needle stitching
  • Open hem sleeves
  • Available in S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X
$ 30.95
$ 30.95

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. No authorization from customer service is required when making a return or exchange, and we will not charge additional shipping to send an exchange.


Items are typically shipped the day after you place your order. We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Shipping rates are calculated based on total price of your order.

Please see our FAQ page for a breakdown of shipping costs. If you have special shipping requirements, please call 877 NAT-PARK or email customer service

Size Chest Sleeve Length Body Length
XS 19 15 15.5
S 20 15.5 26.5
M 21 16 27
L 22.5 16.625 28
XL 24 17.25 29
2XL 25.5 17.87 30
3XL 27.5 18.625 30.5
4XL 29.5 19.37 31


Chest: Measured across the chest one inch below armhole when laid flat.

Body Length: Measured from high point shoulder to finished hem at back.

Sleeve Length: Start at center of neck and measure down shoulder, down sleeve to hem.


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